STAT Off The Charts
White male doctors earn 35 percent more than black male doctors
In treating obese patients, too often doctors can’t see past weight
Beware the cookie dough! Contaminated flour sickens people in 20 states
Overlooked warning signs more accurately predict risk of death
Is too much folic acid during pregnancy a contributor to autism?
Your baby isn’t as clever as you think
Children exposed to marijuana smoke may absorb traces of the drug
Where have all the triplets (and quadruplets, and quintuplets) gone?
What happened when I talked about what others ignore — racism in medicine
Babies who eat more rice have higher arsenic exposure
HIV infection makes people five years older at a cellular level
Calcium supplements don’t raise heart attack risk
Disease risk rises for health care workers exposed to radiation on the job
The patient called me ‘colored girl.’ The senior doctor training me said nothing
Yelp is actually pretty good at hospital ratings
Nighttime eating may increase risk of breast cancer recurrence
Patients with terminal cancer live longer when cared for at home
My first patient died. How I learned to forgive myself
Genes help explain why anxiety strikes during adolescence
First wave of undocumented immigrants in medical schools face uncertain future
Despite your fancy standing desk, you’re still sitting too much
A patient threatened to shoot me. Could I then give him good care?
Behind the glitz: Reality TV stars talk candidly about the strain on mental health
Medical students demand an end to pricey exam testing patient care skills
Body fat may be more significant than weight in predicting health risks
How to do a nose job: Plastic surgeons learn procedures on YouTube
Do more moles mean more risk of skin cancer?
In treating obese patients, too often doctors can’t see past weight
Beware the cookie dough! Contaminated flour sickens people in 20 states
Overlooked warning signs more accurately predict risk of death
Is too much folic acid during pregnancy a contributor to autism?
Your baby isn’t as clever as you think
Children exposed to marijuana smoke may absorb traces of the drug
Where have all the triplets (and quadruplets, and quintuplets) gone?
What happened when I talked about what others ignore — racism in medicine
Babies who eat more rice have higher arsenic exposure
HIV infection makes people five years older at a cellular level
Calcium supplements don’t raise heart attack risk
Disease risk rises for health care workers exposed to radiation on the job
The patient called me ‘colored girl.’ The senior doctor training me said nothing
Yelp is actually pretty good at hospital ratings
Nighttime eating may increase risk of breast cancer recurrence
Patients with terminal cancer live longer when cared for at home
My first patient died. How I learned to forgive myself
Genes help explain why anxiety strikes during adolescence
First wave of undocumented immigrants in medical schools face uncertain future
Despite your fancy standing desk, you’re still sitting too much
A patient threatened to shoot me. Could I then give him good care?
Behind the glitz: Reality TV stars talk candidly about the strain on mental health
Medical students demand an end to pricey exam testing patient care skills
Body fat may be more significant than weight in predicting health risks
How to do a nose job: Plastic surgeons learn procedures on YouTube
Do more moles mean more risk of skin cancer?
NBC's The Grio
A future doctor's thoughts on Affirmative Action
Are black kids a bigger target for fast food companies?
Why the FDA must curb cough syrup abuse
Obesity rates improve for some, continue to increase for black girls, study shows
Are black kids a bigger target for fast food companies?
Why the FDA must curb cough syrup abuse
Obesity rates improve for some, continue to increase for black girls, study shows
The Washington Post's The Root
The Huffington Post
Journal of the American Medical Association ( JAMA)
University of Virginia Medical Alumni Association
American Resident Project
Ever Thine. Ever Mine. Ever Ours… Except my Last Name?
Meaningful Participation
Barriers to Communication
Ask Questions, THEN Shut Up and Listen
Depression in medical students, is it the norm?
Calorie Counting and Culinary Medicine
Time Off and Medical Traditions
Balancing love and physicianhood
The Patient’s Right to Choose, Part 2
Manufactured Emotions in Medical School
Medical Professionals are Slow Adopters
Shotgun Medicine: as seen on TV
The Flu Shot and a Patient’s Right to Choose
What Am I Going To Be When I Grow Up?
Effective Doctor/Patient Communication
Meaningful Participation
Barriers to Communication
Ask Questions, THEN Shut Up and Listen
Depression in medical students, is it the norm?
Calorie Counting and Culinary Medicine
Time Off and Medical Traditions
Balancing love and physicianhood
The Patient’s Right to Choose, Part 2
Manufactured Emotions in Medical School
Medical Professionals are Slow Adopters
Shotgun Medicine: as seen on TV
The Flu Shot and a Patient’s Right to Choose
What Am I Going To Be When I Grow Up?
Effective Doctor/Patient Communication
The Intima
Lead Doc
WebMD's Medscape
Tenacity & Transitions
Extracurriculars: To get involved, or not to get involved?
How Doctors (in Training) Think
Putting Peers in the Spotlight
P(ass)= MD
Preclinical Years Provide Perspective
The Intima, a Journal of Narrative Medicine
"Dark and Twisty" Doctors?
Big Bucks!
The Narrative of a Patient History
How Will Medicine Change Me?
To dissect or not to dissect?
Medicine: is it all about the climb?
Can Med Students Be Materialistic?
Offending a Stay-at-Home Mother
Kinship with all beings
"Party in the USA"...Alone!
Misery Loves Company
What Divides Us?
Can You Have It All?
Reading for Fun
Should Biochemistry Be a Prerequisite?
Hooked on Phonics for Medical Students
Nick Jonas gave me Medical Career Advice!
Medical School Is Making Me Go Blind!
JAMA, my new coffee table swag?
What Should We Call Med School? Cathartic
M1? Done
Blood Diamonds
Studying for USMLE Step1 over M1 Summer?
Extracurriculars: To get involved, or not to get involved?
How Doctors (in Training) Think
Putting Peers in the Spotlight
P(ass)= MD
Preclinical Years Provide Perspective
The Intima, a Journal of Narrative Medicine
"Dark and Twisty" Doctors?
Big Bucks!
The Narrative of a Patient History
How Will Medicine Change Me?
To dissect or not to dissect?
Medicine: is it all about the climb?
Can Med Students Be Materialistic?
Offending a Stay-at-Home Mother
Kinship with all beings
"Party in the USA"...Alone!
Misery Loves Company
What Divides Us?
Can You Have It All?
Reading for Fun
Should Biochemistry Be a Prerequisite?
Hooked on Phonics for Medical Students
Nick Jonas gave me Medical Career Advice!
Medical School Is Making Me Go Blind!
JAMA, my new coffee table swag?
What Should We Call Med School? Cathartic
M1? Done
Blood Diamonds
Studying for USMLE Step1 over M1 Summer?
MedPage Today's KevinMD
Serving two masters: Balancing medicine and family
Can medical students lean in to psychiatry?
Is authenticity a luxury in medicine?
Vaccines and public health: Can we have our cake and eat it too?
Shotgun medicine: An arrow is often better
Refusing the flu shot: Respecting the patient’s right to choose
Primary care needs a face lift, and a better agent
Does being a disadvantaged applicant affect my medical school application?
How tagged Facebook pictures can affect a doctor’s online reputation
Narrative Medicine means more effective healthcare
7 tips for students applying to medical school
Social media tips for students applying to medical school
Can medical students lean in to psychiatry?
Is authenticity a luxury in medicine?
Vaccines and public health: Can we have our cake and eat it too?
Shotgun medicine: An arrow is often better
Refusing the flu shot: Respecting the patient’s right to choose
Primary care needs a face lift, and a better agent
Does being a disadvantaged applicant affect my medical school application?
How tagged Facebook pictures can affect a doctor’s online reputation
Narrative Medicine means more effective healthcare
7 tips for students applying to medical school
Social media tips for students applying to medical school
The New Physician
The Pill may increase Breast Cancer risk in African American Women
Preventing Premature Births Will cut Health Problems, Save Billions of Dollars
We're Getting Better at Predicting IVF Success
Got More Milk? Cow's Milk Protein may be Good for Infants
Got Milk? Some Mothers Giving Infants Wrong Kind
Health Care Reform Picks Up the Tab for Preventive Care
It's Children Against Farmers in the Fight for Lunch Money
Practicing Medicine Means Never Having to Say You're Sorry
Preventing Premature Births Will cut Health Problems, Save Billions of Dollars
We're Getting Better at Predicting IVF Success
Got More Milk? Cow's Milk Protein may be Good for Infants
Got Milk? Some Mothers Giving Infants Wrong Kind
Health Care Reform Picks Up the Tab for Preventive Care
It's Children Against Farmers in the Fight for Lunch Money
Practicing Medicine Means Never Having to Say You're Sorry